Friday, September 14, 2012

Romney calls for 'American leadership' in world

In an article posted on USAToday (dated Sept 13, 2012), Mitt Romney discusses the need for "American leadership" after the recent attacks on the U.S. Embassy in Libya. The article mentions a recent meeting between Romney and Polish politician and activist Lech Walesa, during which Walesa apparently stated that there was an “absence of American leadership in the world.” Romney makes a correlation between recent violent attacks and “the need for the U.S. president to be a respected leader around the world.”

Romney uses the deaths of the embassy employees to make yet another political statement and slam against the President, rather than truly taking time to pay respect to those who were killed and suggesting ways that the parties could work together to somehow resolve this issue. In a different article posted on, it mentions that Romney was warned by both parties against "seeking political points over a crisis involving the death of US citizens abroad." 

Unfortunately, these types of personal and party-affiliated attacks occur on both sides. Remember when the Democrats blamed Bush for 9/11? (and I didn't agree with that attack against Bush either) I agree that the US president does need to be a respected leader, and perhaps a strengthening in leadership would be possible if the candidates (Mr. Romney…) weren't constantly finding ways to bring each other down and pit the parties against each other.

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